
Elementary: Activities by Grade


Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade




Card Race to 10

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Topic: Adding
Materials: 1 deck of cards.

Student Instructions: Ask an adult for a deck of cards. Split the deck of cards into two equal piles. One pile for you and one for your friend. Then, you start flipping over the cards one by one, and you put them face up on the table. As you flip them, you add up the numbers on the cards. If the numbers on the cards you flip over add up to exactly 10, you get to take those cards and keep them. You keep doing this until all the cards are used up. At the end, you count up how many groups of cards you got that add up to 10. The person who has the most groups of 10 wins the game!

Parent Instructions: Let's dive into how different numbers can add up to 10. Imagine you have a card with the number 5 on it. If you want to make that card add up to 10, you can add another card with the number 5 on it, right? 5 + 5 equals 10!

But there are other ways to make 10 too. Say you have a card with the number 7 on it. How could you make that card add up to 10? Well, if you take away 3 from 7, you get 4, and if you add that 4 to the 7, you get 10! So, 7 + 3 equals 10!

Here's another one. Let's say you have a card with the number 9 on it. What number could you add to 9 to make it 10? Just 1, right? So, 9 + 1 equals 10!

By playing this game, you'll see all sorts of combinations of numbers that add up to 10. It's like a puzzle! And the more you play, the better you'll get at finding these combinations quickly. It's a fun way to learn about numbers and math!

Free Fun

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Topic: Adding
Materials: Paper and something to write or draw with

Student Instructions: Make a list or draw pictures of things you can do with your family that don’t cost money.

Parent Instructions: Encourage creativity. Explain to your child that they're going to create a special list of activities they can do together as a family without needing money. Brainstorm together. Sit down with your child and brainstorm ideas. Prompt them by asking questions like, "What do you enjoy doing with us that doesn't cost anything?" or "What activities make you happiest when we're all together?" Discuss each activity. After compiling the list, go through it together. Talk about why each activity is special and how it brings joy to the family. This reinforces the idea that spending time together is more important than spending money. Highlight shared memories. Reminisce about past experiences related to the activities on the list. Display the list. Once completed, put the list somewhere visible in your home. This serves as a reminder of the many fun and meaningful things your family can do together without needing money.

How would you spend $100?

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Topic: Needs/wants, counting (earning/spending), saving
Materials: Catalogs from department stores or Amazon are great for “window shopping”. Paper and pencil for making the list of wants and for adding and subtracting item prices.

Student Instructions: Pretend like your grandma just gave you $100 for your birthday! You are so excited! What are you going to do with this jackpot? Will you buy some new toys? Go roller skating? Save some of it for souvenir shopping on your next vacation? Make a list or draw pictures, or cut pictures from magazines of things you choose to spend your money on.

Parent Instructions: Have your child make a list of all the things they would want to spend their money on. Next, go through and monetize, or put a price next to their wants. Help them understand that money only stretches so far. Most likely, the items on the list will exceed $100. Now you can talk about prioritizing items, figuring out which items may need to wait until there is more money, discussing ways to earn even more so that all items can be purchased.


1st Grade

Card Race to 10

Grade Level: 1st Grade

Topic: Adding
Materials: 1 deck of cards.

Student Instructions: Ask an adult for a deck of cards. Split the deck of cards into two equal piles. One pile for you and one for your friend. Then, you start flipping over the cards one by one, and you put them face up on the table. As you flip them, you add up the numbers on the cards. If the numbers on the cards you flip over add up to exactly 10, you get to take those cards and keep them. You keep doing this until all the cards are used up. At the end, you count up how many groups of cards you got that add up to 10. The person who has the most groups of 10 wins the game!

Parent Instructions: Let's dive into how different numbers can add up to 10. Imagine you have a card with the number 5 on it. If you want to make that card add up to 10, you can add another card with the number 5 on it, right? 5 + 5 equals 10!

But there are other ways to make 10 too. Say you have a card with the number 7 on it. How could you make that card add up to 10? Well, if you take away 3 from 7, you get 4, and if you add that 4 to the 7, you get 10! So, 7 + 3 equals 10!

Here's another one. Let's say you have a card with the number 9 on it. What number could you add to 9 to make it 10? Just 1, right? So, 9 + 1 equals 10!

By playing this game, you'll see all sorts of combinations of numbers that add up to 10. It's like a puzzle! And the more you play, the better you'll get at finding these combinations quickly. It's a fun way to learn about numbers and math!

Free Fun

Grade Level: 1st Grade

Topic: Adding
Materials: Paper and something to write or draw with

Student Instructions: Make a list or draw pictures of things you can do with your family that don’t cost money.

Parent Instructions: Encourage creativity. Explain to your child that they're going to create a special list of activities they can do together as a family without needing money. Brainstorm together. Sit down with your child and brainstorm ideas. Prompt them by asking questions like, "What do you enjoy doing with us that doesn't cost anything?" or "What activities make you happiest when we're all together?" Discuss each activity. After compiling the list, go through it together. Talk about why each activity is special and how it brings joy to the family. This reinforces the idea that spending time together is more important than spending money. Highlight shared memories. Reminisce about past experiences related to the activities on the list. Display the list. Once completed, put the list somewhere visible in your home. This serves as a reminder of the many fun and meaningful things your family can do together without needing money.

How would you spend $100?

Grade Level: 1st Grade

Topic: Needs/wants, counting (earning/spending), saving
Materials: Catalogs from department stores or Amazon are great for “window shopping”. Paper and pencil for making the list of wants and for adding and subtracting item prices.

Student Instructions: Pretend like your grandma just gave you $100 for your birthday! You are so excited! What are you going to do with this jackpot? Will you buy some new toys? Go roller skating? Save some of it for souvenir shopping on your next vacation? Make a list or draw pictures, or cut pictures from magazines of things you choose to spend your money on.

Parent Instructions: Have your child make a list of all the things they would want to spend their money on. Next, go through and monetize, or put a price next to their wants. Help them understand that money only stretches so far. Most likely, the items on the list will exceed $100. Now you can talk about prioritizing items, figuring out which items may need to wait until there is more money, discussing ways to earn even more so that all items can be purchased.


2nd Grade

Card Race to 10

Grade Level: 2nd Grade

Topic: Adding
Materials: 1 deck of cards.

Student Instructions: Ask an adult for a deck of cards. Split the deck of cards into two equal piles. One pile for you and one for your friend. Then, you start flipping over the cards one by one, and you put them face up on the table. As you flip them, you add up the numbers on the cards. If the numbers on the cards you flip over add up to exactly 10, you get to take those cards and keep them. You keep doing this until all the cards are used up. At the end, you count up how many groups of cards you got that add up to 10. The person who has the most groups of 10 wins the game!

Parent Instructions: Let's dive into how different numbers can add up to 10. Imagine you have a card with the number 5 on it. If you want to make that card add up to 10, you can add another card with the number 5 on it, right? 5 + 5 equals 10!

But there are other ways to make 10 too. Say you have a card with the number 7 on it. How could you make that card add up to 10? Well, if you take away 3 from 7, you get 4, and if you add that 4 to the 7, you get 10! So, 7 + 3 equals 10!

Here's another one. Let's say you have a card with the number 9 on it. What number could you add to 9 to make it 10? Just 1, right? So, 9 + 1 equals 10!

By playing this game, you'll see all sorts of combinations of numbers that add up to 10. It's like a puzzle! And the more you play, the better you'll get at finding these combinations quickly. It's a fun way to learn about numbers and math!

Free Fun

Grade Level: 2nd Grade

Topic: Adding
Materials: Paper and something to write or draw with

Student Instructions: Make a list or draw pictures of things you can do with your family that don’t cost money.

Parent Instructions: Encourage creativity. Explain to your child that they're going to create a special list of activities they can do together as a family without needing money. Brainstorm together. Sit down with your child and brainstorm ideas. Prompt them by asking questions like, "What do you enjoy doing with us that doesn't cost anything?" or "What activities make you happiest when we're all together?" Discuss each activity. After compiling the list, go through it together. Talk about why each activity is special and how it brings joy to the family. This reinforces the idea that spending time together is more important than spending money. Highlight shared memories. Reminisce about past experiences related to the activities on the list. Display the list. Once completed, put the list somewhere visible in your home. This serves as a reminder of the many fun and meaningful things your family can do together without needing money.

How would you spend $100?

Grade Level: 2nd Grade

Topic: Needs/wants, counting (earning/spending), saving
Materials: Catalogs from department stores or Amazon are great for “window shopping”. Paper and pencil for making the list of wants and for adding and subtracting item prices.

Student Instructions: Pretend like your grandma just gave you $100 for your birthday! You are so excited! What are you going to do with this jackpot? Will you buy some new toys? Go roller skating? Save some of it for souvenir shopping on your next vacation? Make a list or draw pictures, or cut pictures from magazines of things you choose to spend your money on.

Parent Instructions: Have your child make a list of all the things they would want to spend their money on. Next, go through and monetize, or put a price next to their wants. Help them understand that money only stretches so far. Most likely, the items on the list will exceed $100. Now you can talk about prioritizing items, figuring out which items may need to wait until there is more money, discussing ways to earn even more so that all items can be purchased.


3rd Grade

Card Race to 10

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Topic: Adding
Materials: 1 deck of cards.

Student Instructions: Ask an adult for a deck of cards. Split the deck of cards into two equal piles. One pile for you and one for your friend. Then, you start flipping over the cards one by one, and you put them face up on the table. As you flip them, you add up the numbers on the cards. If the numbers on the cards you flip over add up to exactly 10, you get to take those cards and keep them. You keep doing this until all the cards are used up. At the end, you count up how many groups of cards you got that add up to 10. The person who has the most groups of 10 wins the game!

Parent Instructions: Let's dive into how different numbers can add up to 10. Imagine you have a card with the number 5 on it. If you want to make that card add up to 10, you can add another card with the number 5 on it, right? 5 + 5 equals 10!

But there are other ways to make 10 too. Say you have a card with the number 7 on it. How could you make that card add up to 10? Well, if you take away 3 from 7, you get 4, and if you add that 4 to the 7, you get 10! So, 7 + 3 equals 10!

Here's another one. Let's say you have a card with the number 9 on it. What number could you add to 9 to make it 10? Just 1, right? So, 9 + 1 equals 10!

By playing this game, you'll see all sorts of combinations of numbers that add up to 10. It's like a puzzle! And the more you play, the better you'll get at finding these combinations quickly. It's a fun way to learn about numbers and math!

Free Fun

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Topic: Adding
Materials: Paper and something to write or draw with

Student Instructions: Make a list or draw pictures of things you can do with your family that don’t cost money.

Parent Instructions: Encourage creativity. Explain to your child that they're going to create a special list of activities they can do together as a family without needing money. Brainstorm together. Sit down with your child and brainstorm ideas. Prompt them by asking questions like, "What do you enjoy doing with us that doesn't cost anything?" or "What activities make you happiest when we're all together?" Discuss each activity. After compiling the list, go through it together. Talk about why each activity is special and how it brings joy to the family. This reinforces the idea that spending time together is more important than spending money. Highlight shared memories. Reminisce about past experiences related to the activities on the list. Display the list. Once completed, put the list somewhere visible in your home. This serves as a reminder of the many fun and meaningful things your family can do together without needing money.

How would you spend $100?

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Topic: Needs/wants, counting (earning/spending), saving
Materials: Catalogs from department stores or Amazon are great for “window shopping”. Paper and pencil for making the list of wants and for adding and subtracting item prices.

Student Instructions: Pretend like your grandma just gave you $100 for your birthday! You are so excited! What are you going to do with this jackpot? Will you buy some new toys? Go roller skating? Save some of it for souvenir shopping on your next vacation? Make a list or draw pictures, or cut pictures from magazines of things you choose to spend your money on.

Parent Instructions: Have your child make a list of all the things they would want to spend their money on. Next, go through and monetize, or put a price next to their wants. Help them understand that money only stretches so far. Most likely, the items on the list will exceed $100. Now you can talk about prioritizing items, figuring out which items may need to wait until there is more money, discussing ways to earn even more so that all items can be purchased.


4th Grade

Free Fun

Grade Level: 4th Grade

Topic: Adding
Materials: Paper and something to write or draw with

Student Instructions: Make a list or draw pictures of things you can do with your family that don’t cost money.

Parent Instructions: Encourage creativity. Explain to your child that they're going to create a special list of activities they can do together as a family without needing money. Brainstorm together. Sit down with your child and brainstorm ideas. Prompt them by asking questions like, "What do you enjoy doing with us that doesn't cost anything?" or "What activities make you happiest when we're all together?" Discuss each activity. After compiling the list, go through it together. Talk about why each activity is special and how it brings joy to the family. This reinforces the idea that spending time together is more important than spending money. Highlight shared memories. Reminisce about past experiences related to the activities on the list. Display the list. Once completed, put the list somewhere visible in your home. This serves as a reminder of the many fun and meaningful things your family can do together without needing money.

How would you spend $100?

Grade Level: 4th Grade

Topic: Needs/wants, counting (earning/spending), saving
Materials: Paper, pencil, computer or tablet.

Student Instructions: You just got a $100 bill from your parents for your birthday! How are you going to spend it? Make a list of all the things you want to buy. Use your computer or tablet to look up prices for each item. Decide which things you want or need the most, as your money most likely will not stretch as far as you’d like it to! Want to get more money so that you can afford all the things on your list? Try asking your parents if they have any jobs that need to be done and if they will pay you to do them! You may end up earning enough money to get all the things on your list!

Parent Instructions: Let’s think about it. We all want and need things. In the real world, everything costs money! It is important to learn how to earn, save and spend so that you can get the things you need, and the things you want!

Further activity idea: Set up a savings account at your local bank. You can deposit money that you earn or get as gifts and watch your money grow!

Jenga Multiplication

Grade Level: 4th Grade

Topic: Multiplication
Materials: Wooden blocks to make a Jenga tower. Write multiplication problems on the blocks or write them on a paper and tape them on smoothly so the blocks can stack well.

Student Instructions: This game is like Jenga, that game with the tower made of blocks. But in this version, each block has a multiplication question on it instead of just being blank. When it's your turn, you carefully pull out one of the Jenga blocks from the tower. Then, you look at the multiplication question on the block and try to answer it correctly. If you get it right, you keep the block. If not, you put it back on top of the tower.

The game keeps going like this, with each player taking turns pulling blocks and answering the multiplication questions. But here's the twist: if the tower falls while you're pulling a block or answering a question, you lose!

At the end of the game, the person who answered the most multiplication questions correctly before the Jenga tower toppled over is the winner! It's a fun way to practice your multiplication skills while playing a game with friends.

Parent Instructions: Knowing simple math facts is as important as sight reading words. Just like knowing letters and words helps you read sentences and stories, knowing math facts helps you solve more complex math problems later on. If you can quickly recall basic math facts, it makes it easier to tackle more advanced math concepts.


5th Grade

Free Fun

Grade Level: 5th Grade

Topic: Adding
Materials: Paper and something to write or draw with

Student Instructions: Make a list or draw pictures of things you can do with your family that don’t cost money.

Parent Instructions: Encourage creativity. Explain to your child that they're going to create a special list of activities they can do together as a family without needing money. Brainstorm together. Sit down with your child and brainstorm ideas. Prompt them by asking questions like, "What do you enjoy doing with us that doesn't cost anything?" or "What activities make you happiest when we're all together?" Discuss each activity. After compiling the list, go through it together. Talk about why each activity is special and how it brings joy to the family. This reinforces the idea that spending time together is more important than spending money. Highlight shared memories. Reminisce about past experiences related to the activities on the list. Display the list. Once completed, put the list somewhere visible in your home. This serves as a reminder of the many fun and meaningful things your family can do together without needing money.

How would you spend $100?

Grade Level: 5th Grade

Topic: Needs/wants, counting (earning/spending), saving
Materials: Paper, pencil, computer or tablet.

Student Instructions: You just got a $100 bill from your parents for your birthday! How are you going to spend it? Make a list of all the things you want to buy. Use your computer or tablet to look up prices for each item. Decide which things you want or need the most, as your money most likely will not stretch as far as you’d like it to! Want to get more money so that you can afford all the things on your list? Try asking your parents if they have any jobs that need to be done and if they will pay you to do them! You may end up earning enough money to get all the things on your list!

Parent Instructions: Let’s think about it. We all want and need things. In the real world, everything costs money! It is important to learn how to earn, save and spend so that you can get the things you need, and the things you want!

Further activity idea: Set up a savings account at your local bank. You can deposit money that you earn or get as gifts and watch your money grow!

Jenga Multiplication

Grade Level: 5th Grade

Topic: Multiplication
Materials: Wooden blocks to make a Jenga tower. Write multiplication problems on the blocks or write them on a paper and tape them on smoothly so the blocks can stack well.

Student Instructions: This game is like Jenga, that game with the tower made of blocks. But in this version, each block has a multiplication question on it instead of just being blank. When it's your turn, you carefully pull out one of the Jenga blocks from the tower. Then, you look at the multiplication question on the block and try to answer it correctly. If you get it right, you keep the block. If not, you put it back on top of the tower.

The game keeps going like this, with each player taking turns pulling blocks and answering the multiplication questions. But here's the twist: if the tower falls while you're pulling a block or answering a question, you lose!

At the end of the game, the person who answered the most multiplication questions correctly before the Jenga tower toppled over is the winner! It's a fun way to practice your multiplication skills while playing a game with friends.

Parent Instructions: Knowing simple math facts is as important as sight reading words. Just like knowing letters and words helps you read sentences and stories, knowing math facts helps you solve more complex math problems later on. If you can quickly recall basic math facts, it makes it easier to tackle more advanced math concepts.


6th Grade

Free Fun

Grade Level: 6th Grade

Topic: Adding
Materials: Paper and something to write or draw with

Student Instructions: Make a list or draw pictures of things you can do with your family that don’t cost money.

Parent Instructions: Encourage creativity. Explain to your child that they're going to create a special list of activities they can do together as a family without needing money. Brainstorm together. Sit down with your child and brainstorm ideas. Prompt them by asking questions like, "What do you enjoy doing with us that doesn't cost anything?" or "What activities make you happiest when we're all together?" Discuss each activity. After compiling the list, go through it together. Talk about why each activity is special and how it brings joy to the family. This reinforces the idea that spending time together is more important than spending money. Highlight shared memories. Reminisce about past experiences related to the activities on the list. Display the list. Once completed, put the list somewhere visible in your home. This serves as a reminder of the many fun and meaningful things your family can do together without needing money.

How would you spend $100?

Grade Level: 6th Grade

Topic: Needs/wants, counting (earning/spending), saving
Materials: Paper, pencil, computer or tablet.

Student Instructions: You just got a $100 bill from your parents for your birthday! How are you going to spend it? Make a list of all the things you want to buy. Use your computer or tablet to look up prices for each item. Decide which things you want or need the most, as your money most likely will not stretch as far as you’d like it to! Want to get more money so that you can afford all the things on your list? Try asking your parents if they have any jobs that need to be done and if they will pay you to do them! You may end up earning enough money to get all the things on your list!

Parent Instructions: Let’s think about it. We all want and need things. In the real world, everything costs money! It is important to learn how to earn, save and spend so that you can get the things you need, and the things you want!

Further activity idea: Set up a savings account at your local bank. You can deposit money that you earn or get as gifts and watch your money grow!

Jenga Multiplication

Grade Level: 6th Grade

Topic: Multiplication
Materials: Wooden blocks to make a Jenga tower. Write multiplication problems on the blocks or write them on a paper and tape them on smoothly so the blocks can stack well.

Student Instructions: This game is like Jenga, that game with the tower made of blocks. But in this version, each block has a multiplication question on it instead of just being blank. When it's your turn, you carefully pull out one of the Jenga blocks from the tower. Then, you look at the multiplication question on the block and try to answer it correctly. If you get it right, you keep the block. If not, you put it back on top of the tower.

The game keeps going like this, with each player taking turns pulling blocks and answering the multiplication questions. But here's the twist: if the tower falls while you're pulling a block or answering a question, you lose!

At the end of the game, the person who answered the most multiplication questions correctly before the Jenga tower toppled over is the winner! It's a fun way to practice your multiplication skills while playing a game with friends.

Parent Instructions: Knowing simple math facts is as important as sight reading words. Just like knowing letters and words helps you read sentences and stories, knowing math facts helps you solve more complex math problems later on. If you can quickly recall basic math facts, it makes it easier to tackle more advanced math concepts.