Dreaming of owning your own home? You're not alone! This section explores the path to homeownership, from financing and affordability to finding the right home and getting connected with resources to help purchase it. Whether you're a first-time or a repeat homebuyer, this section will help you navigate the process confidently.
Attaining homeownership may seem like an overwhelming task. The continuously changing housing and finance markets can make buying a home appear complicated and unfeasible. However, once you become aware of the variety of educational and financial resources to better understand how to look for and buy a home, you will see that homeownership can be a reality–right now! Numerous local, state, and federal resources and tools are available to help you receive high-quality education on the process of purchasing a home and point you to professionals that will help you find a home that meets your needs.
Did you know?
You can buy a home with little or no down payment? Utah has a state housing finance agency, Utah Housing Corporation, that can help by providing you with down payment assistance (DPA), which can help you to purchase a home with minimal out-of-pocket cash. In fact, DPA is offered by a variety of organizations, including certain cities, counties, housing authorities, nonprofits, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Achieving homeownership might seem like a far-off goal, but you can start the path of becoming an informed homebuyer and finding a home today.
Owning a home is a great option to build wealth long term, offers safety and stability, and allows you to invest more fully in a community.
Begin by understanding your current financial capabilities and then getting educated on the homebuying process, as well as available assistance programs.
Tips for talking about homeownership with kids
- Buying a home is a major financial decision that can result in some lifestyle changes. Creating a financial plan that includes a budget, earnings and savings goals, the establishment and protection of strong personal credit, and prioritizing buying what you need vs what you want are great steps to help youth develop financial discipline and prepare for managing their expenses to buy a home someday.

Additional Resources

HUD homebuying steps
HUD-approved housing counseling agency provides information and answers regarding every step in the purchase of your first home.

How Do You Actually Buy a House? Video
PBS Digital Studios Two Cents video can help you understand the steps and the people involved when buying a home.

HUD Homeownership Assistance: Utah
Need help buying a home? Find out if you qualify for an assistance programs.

HUD “Buying a Home"
HUD provides housing support that can guide your next steps to buying a home.

HUD Housing Counseling Services
HUD participating housing counseling services locator.

FannieMae: HomeView
Fannie Mae’s free, 4-6 hour homebuyer education course with certificate upon completion.

Neighborhood Nonprofit Housing Corporation
Neighborhood Nonprofit Housing Corporation HomeChoice mortgages for people with disabilities .