Secondary: Videos by Topic

Con’Em if you can
Topic: Multi-topic
Description: Fraudsters use many persuasion tactics to target and influence prospective victims. These persuasion tactics are the tools of a con artist. View these training videos from the Con Art School to see how fraudsters apply persuasion tactics to influence people to hand over their money.

Crash Course Economics
Topic: Multi-topic
Description: Economics taught in 35 episodes. Concepts include fundamental economics, economic analyses of everyday life, economics in real-world situations, and more.

Basics of Personal Finance Video Collection
Topic: Multi-topic
Description: Learn the basics of personal finance by watching 2-5 minute concept videos on current event topics like insurance, saving and investing, and more. Take a short quiz after watching the video using Kahoot!

Economic Lowdown Video Series
Topic: Multi-topic
Description: The Economic Lowdown video series is produced by the Economic Education department of the St. Louis Fed for high school and college students. The series covers topics in economics, banking and monetary policy.

Topic: Multi-topic
Description: Engagement you can see, results you can measure. Empower students to take an active role in their learning with interactive video lessons that spark creativity and curiosity. *Login Required

Fool Proof Me
Topic: Multi-topic
Description: Videos that teach healthy skepticism when it comes to anything impacting your money or your well-being.

It's a Money Thing
Topic: Multi-topic
Description: It’s a Money Thing is a collection of effective and comprehensible financial education content designed to engage and teach young adults the ins and outs of personal finance.

Jacob Clifford
Topic: Multi-topic
Description: Videos to help people learn and love economics. Teacher resources are also available. Link in the about section.

Marginal Revolution University (MGU)
Topic: Multi-topic
Description: Econ and personal finance videos that help individual increase their knowledge and understanding through engaging video developed by leading academic economists.
We do this all at no cost to teachers or learners because better economic thinking can make a better world, one small step at a time.

Topic: Multi-topic
Description: MoneyCoach makes it fun and easy for anyone to learn how to manage their finances through short, animated videos.

Money Minutes
Topic: Multi-topic
Description: Money Minutes, an interactive video series to help improve personal finance know-how in just minutes. During each session, hear straight from professional CPAs on topics like budgeting, saving and managing debt, and then complete a short quiz at the end to test your new knowledge.

Napkin Finance
Topic: Multi-topic
Description: Everything you want to know about money in 30 seconds or less...all on a napkin.

Next Gen Video Library
Topic: Multi-topic
Description: Next Gen Personal Finance offers a video library that allows you to search by topic and time, or explore the video highlights. *Login Required

PBS: Economics
Topic: Multi-topic
Description: Investigate how the supply and demand for goods and resources are globally intertwined with videos, lesson plans, and interactive games in Economics.

PBS: Making Cents
Topic: Multi-topic
Description: This Financial Literacy Educational video series teaches elementary and secondary students how to manage their money and foster an entrepreneurial spirit.

Two Cents YouTube Channel
Topic: Multi-topic
Description: PBS TWO CENTS is an educational show about personal finance. The show is created and written by Philip Olson, Julia Lorenz-Olson, Andrew Matthews, and Katie Graham.

Topic: Multi-topic
Description: 20 Short Films You Can’t Afford to Miss. Each film was made by an acclaimed filmmaker, each with their own creative vision. The series aims to drive awareness and establish a better understanding of the U.S. economy.

WSJ Video - Personal Finance
Topic: Multi-topic
Description: Wall Street Journal Videos repository of videos related to personal finance.

Are Credit Unions Better Than Big Banks
Topic: Banking
Description: A comparison between credit unions and big banks, discussing their pros and cons, and how they impact local communities and individual finances.

Everything You Need to Know About Opening a Checking Account
Topic: Banking
Description: If you’re looking to open a bank account at a bank or credit union, this video explains what documents and information you’ll need to apply for one.

Is Your Money Safe in a Bank?
Topic: Banking
Description: Some recent bank failures have Americans wondering if their money would be safer somewhere else. This video breaks down the actual risks!
Basic Economics

Beanie Baby Investment
Topic: Basic Economics
Description: Beanie Baby Investment seemed like a good idea in the 90s. Well maybe not so much anymore.

Can you Live on $1 Per Day?
Topic: Basic Economics
Description: Four young friends set out to live on just $1 a day for two months in rural Guatemala. A poverty documentary from Real Stories.

Supply & Dance, Man!
Topic: Basic Economics
Description: Why is the law of supply and demand so powerful?
A whimsical tale of love, dance and the economic concept of supply and demand. Bored in class, JONATHAN and KRISTIN are woken up by our friendly NARRATOR who helps guide them on an adventure in economics and... um... dance. (Part of the We the Economy series)

25 Ways To Cut Your Spending And Save Money
Topic: Budgeting
Description: Saving money isn't easy. We all seem to think that if we just made a little bit more we would finally have enough to start putting some away. Unfortunately this usually isn't the case. As earnings increase, spending tends to rise as well. Saving takes a deliberate effort and while sometimes this means making sacrifices, in this list of 25 ways to cut your spending and save money we'll go over some of the the easier ways to do so.

50/30/20 Spending Plan
Topic: Budgeting
Description: In this video, you'll learn everything you need to know about how to make and stick to a spending plan! You'll learn about the 50/30/20 spending plan

How Do You Create A Monthly Budget?
Topic: Budgeting
Description: Creating a monthly budget is an essential step to getting control of your personal financial life. It helps you see where you are now, and is the first step to setting goals for the future. This video covers the basic steps for analyzing your monthly positive and negative cash flow.
College / Career Prep

Hard Skills vs Soft Skills
Topic: College / Career Prep
Description: This video discusses the difference between hard skills (technical, job-specific skills) and soft skills (personal attributes and abilities), highlighting the importance of both in the workplace.

How to Save on Tuition
Topic: College / Career Prep
Description: Nobody wants to leave college with a mountain of debt. You can save on tuition by finding free money, using your own money, and borrowing money as a last resort.

Federal Student Aid: How to Fill Out the FAFSA
Topic: College / Career Prep
Description: To apply for federal student aid, such as federal grants, work-study funds, and loans, you need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form at Completing and submitting the FAFSA is free and easier than ever, and it gives you access to the largest source of financial aid to help pay for college or career school.

Don’t Buy Stuff You Can’t Afford
Topic: Credit
Description: SNL offers a revolutionary debt and money-management program. Such a simple concept - not buying stuff you can’t afford - yet why are millions of people in mountains of debt?

How to Build Credit from Scratch
Topic: Credit
Description: This video provides guidance on how to build a good credit score from scratch.

Irish Jingle
Topic: Credit
Description: Catchy jingle/commercial to help students remember the safe website for checking credit reports.

I'm Young & Healthy, Can I Skip Health Insurance?
Topic: Insurance
Description: This video discusses the importance of health insurance, even for the young and healthy.

Intro to Insurance
Topic: Insurance
Description: This video offers an introduction to the concept of insurance, including the purpose, types of coverage, and how insurance works.

Rebel Alliance
Topic: Insurance
Description: Rebel Alliance Life Insurance. Joining the Rebel Alliance is a dangerous prospect when facing Darth Vader and the Galactic Empire! Be sure to get you're life insurance through Star Wars' Tatooine Mutual Benefits.
Investing & Saving

4 Types of Retirement Accounts
Topic: Investing & Saving
Description: This video discusses the four common types of retirement accounts (401(k), Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, and SEP IRA), explaining their features, tax advantages, contribution limits, and factors to consider when choosing a retirement savings option.

SmartZone Finance: How Much Savings Do You Need to Retire?
Topic: Investing & Saving
Description: This video discusses the factors to consider when determining how much savings is needed for retirement, including expenses, lifestyle choices, and retirement goals.

Wall Street Survivor YouTube Channel
Topic: Investing & Saving
Description: Wall Street Survivor - Demystifying Investing!
These videos will help you understand investing.
Spending Habits / Behavioral Economics

Our Emotions and Our Money
Topic: Spending Habits / Behavioral Economics
Description: This video shows us how our relationship with money represents our relationship with life, providing practical tips on how to perform an emotional audit of your expenses. While it may feel challenging to take an honest look at your financial behavior, that action can help you meaningfully re-evaluate your career, relationships, and priorities.

The Paradox of Value
Topic: Spending Habits / Behavioral Economics
Description: Explores the paradox of value in economics, discussing the distinction between value and price, the subjective nature of value, and how scarcity and utility influence the worth of goods and services.

What's Your Money Sign?
Topic: Spending Habits / Behavioral Economics
Description: Identify your financial personality and how it impacts your wealth.

Basics of the U.S. Income Tax Rate
Topic: Taxes
Description: What are tax brackets? How does the tax rate schedule work? Find out in this video. Helpful for those students who would like to extend their learning

Here's How to Read a Pay Stub
Topic: Taxes
Description: Leslie walks you through how to understand what goes in (and is taken out) of your paycheck. That includes: Gross Pay, Pre-tax deductions, State and Federal taxes, like FICA, Post-tax deductions, Net pay, Reimbursements.

What’s a W-2 Form
Topic: Taxes
Description: This video explains the purpose and significance of the W-2 form, which is used to report an employee's wages and taxes withheld by their employer for the purpose of filing income tax returns.
LEAs have the duty to select instructional materials that best correlate to the standards for Utah public schools and graduation requirements. (UCA 53G-4-402(1(a))). Posting of these resources by USBE Education Specialists does not imply the resources have received official endorsement of the Utah State Board of Education. Educators are responsible to ensure use of these materials complies with LEA policies and directives. If you have questions or concerns about this email, please contact the sender of this email. If your question or concern isn’t adequately addressed, please contact the USBE hotline.