Eighth Grade - Social Studies



All Kinds of Entrepreneurs

Financial and Economic Concept: Entrepreneurism

Eighth Grade – United States History I

Standard 1: Students will interpret the role of geography in shaping United States history.

Standard 2: Students will investigate the relationship between events of different time periods

Standard 7: Students will explore the territorial growth of the United States before the Civil War.

Objective 3: Analyze how new inventions and transportation methods stimulated western expansion.

Time: 20 minutes
Materials: Projector for PPT, handout

This activity encourages students to appreciate the range of entrepreneurial activity in the economy and understand the important role that entrepreneurs play in introducing change into the marketplace. First, show students the PPT (ONLY SLIDES 2, 4, 7, and 8) to clarify the different types of entrepreneurs. At the conclusion, allow them to complete the worksheet either alone or in pairs. For extension activity, see lesson called Resume of a Famous Entrepreneur.

Types of Entrepreneurs PowerPoint - Be sure to notice the discussion tips in the NOTES area of the PPT!

Types of Entrepreneurs Student Worksheet (pdf)

Complete Lesson Plan Complete Lesson Plan

Music Connection Music Connection

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Past and Present Entrepreneurs

Financial and Economic Concept: Entrepreneurism

Eighth Grade – United States History I

Standard 2: Students will investigate the relationship between events of different time periods

Objective 2: Analyze how contemporary concerns and events affect and are affected by history

Possible Activities/Assignments:

Music Connection Music Connection

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We're In the Money

Financial and Economic Concept: Monetary and fiscal policy

Eighth Grade – United States History I

Standard 4: Students will analyze European colonization and settlement of North America.

Objective 3: Examine the economic, political, and social patterns in the development of the 13 English colonies.