GEneral financial literacy course

Required for High School Graduation

Course Goals Course Topics Curriculum Resources
GFL Scope & Sequence (pdf) Passport Test Sample Disclosure Letter (pdf)
Strands & Standards Teacher Endorsement Info
Textbook Recommendations
Utah’s Financial Literacy Background (pdf)

Did You Know?

Finance Did You Know? #6

Only Utah, Missouri & Tennessee require students to take a personal finance course to graduate.

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The half-credit General Financial Literacy Course is designed for junior and senior students and represents those standards of learning that are essential and necessary for all students.


Course Goals

  1. Be informed and prepared to be effective managers of financial resources, enabling them to achieve long- and short-term financial goals and security.
  2. Be engaged in establishing career goals that will provide adequate income and personal fulfillment.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of personal financial planning and money management skills.
  4. Understand personal and societal consequences of financial decisions.

Course Topics

The General Financial Literacy course includes lessons on:

Teacher Endorsement Information

The endorsement required to teach General Financial Literacy attaches to Secondary or CTE License.

Textbook Recommendations

The Utah State Office of Education cannot recommend or endorse a specific text or curriculum package for the General Financial Literacy course. Any text or resource materials used should address the course standards and objectives.

Teachers may select textbooks listed on the Recommended Instructional Materials (RIMS) site on the Utah State Office of Education Web site or those approved by local school boards consistent with 53A12-204 and Utah State Board of Education Rule 277-469.