Ninth Grade - Language Arts


Lease or Buy

Financial and Economic Concepts: Basic Budgeting

Ninth Grade – Language Arts

Standard 1 (Reading): Students will use vocabulary development and an understanding of text elements and structures to comprehend literary and informational grade level text.

Objective 2 (Comprehension of Informational Text): Comprehend and evaluate informational text (i.e., web pages, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, maps, schedules).

Time: 1 Hour
Materials: Handouts

Students read the article about buying a car and answer questions, fill out a Venn Diagram on leasing versus buying, and review as a class.

Complete Lesson Plan Complete Lesson Plan (Click on “Lease or buy?” next to the topic of Budgeting and Decision Making)

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Teens Confront Economic Reality

Financial and Economic Concepts: Basic Budgeting

Ninth Grade – Language Arts

Standard 1 (Reading): Students will use vocabulary development and an understanding of text elements and structures to comprehend literary and informational grade level text.

Objective 2 (Comprehension of Informational Text): Comprehend and evaluate informational text (i.e., web pages, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, maps, schedules).

Time: 1 Hour
Materials: Handouts

Excerpt from article:

“Perhaps never before has a generation that has wanted for so little — these offspring of acquisitive Baby Boomer parents have amassed cellphones, iPods, laptops and a perceived sense of entitlement — been forced to give up so much. But far from paralyzing teens, the new fiscal order finds them embracing these leaner times. Instead of tuning out, teens are eager for parents to share the sober details of family finances. Instead of whining, they’re clamoring to help by cutting back on outings and getting odd jobs. And instead of moping, they’re shifting expectations for the present and banking lessons for the future.”

Students read the article and answer questions (30 minutes), complete the “Weathering the Economic Storm” worksheet (15 minutes), and review as a class (10 minutes).

Complete Lesson Plan Complete Lesson Plan (Click on “Teens Confront Economic Reality?” next to the topic of Budgeting and Decision Making)

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Trish and Scott's Big Adventure

Financial and Economic Concepts: Rights and responsibilities of renting or buying a home.

Ninth Grade – Language Arts

Standard 1 (Reading): Students will use vocabulary development and an understanding of text elements and structures to comprehend literary and informational grade level text.

Objective 2 (Comprehension of Informational Text): Comprehend and evaluate informational text (i.e., web pages, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, maps, schedules).

Time: 2 Classes
Materials: Handouts, computers optional but helpful

Complete Lesson Plan Complete Lesson Plan

This lesson plan has students explore differences in regional housing costs, determine the percentage of gross income spent on housing, assess the impact of housing costs on a relocation decision and recognize wages and housing costs are prices.  Very hands on and individualized.

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Developing a Business Plan

Financial and Economic Concepts: Effective business plan creation, including using economic analysis in creating a plan.

Ninth Grade – Language Arts

Standard 2: Students will write informational and literary text to reflect on and recreate experiences, report observations, and persuade others.

Objective 1 (Writing to Learn): Compare multiple ideas and perspectives to extend thinking through writing.

Time: 45 minutes
Materials: Computer, paper

Using the information at U.S. Small Business Administration - Teen Business Link, have students create a business plan.  In a class discussion, help them decide on what type of business they will be developing.  Divide class into four groups.  Assign each group a portion of the business plan:  Introduction, Marketing, Financial Management, and Operations.  Piece all portions of the business plan together to create one complete plan.  Expect that certain parts will not fit together as they would if the same group created the entire plan.  When completed, discuss why it is important that each component of the business plan coordinates with the other.  As a class, make adjustments so the business plan flows together.  In a discussion setting, write the concluding statement to summarize the plan.

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Cosby Show Persuasive Essay

Financial and Economic Concepts: Budgeting/Debt

Ninth Grade – Language Arts

Standard 2 (Writing): Students will write informational and literary text to reflect on and recreate experiences, report observations, and persuade others.

Objective 2 (Extended Writing): Write to persuade others. (Emphasize persuasive compositions. Students should use the entire writing process to produce at least one extended piece per term, not necessarily limited to the type of writing emphasized at individual grade levels.)

Time: Video – 2:46, 45 minutes
Materials: Video (computer/projector with Internet access or student lab), writing supplies

Have students view:

A Lesson in Finance from the Cosby Show A Lesson in Finance from the Cosby Show (2:46)

Explain to students that the things that are most important are the items we usually spend money on.  Either divide the class in two groups or have them choose to side with either Dr. Huxtable or Theo.  Once they have chosen who to side with, have students write to persuade the opposing side that his/her way of thinking is correct.

Students can experiment with varied organizational patterns and forms of writing (e.g., memos, letters, reports, essays, brochures).   They should support arguments with personal experience, detailed evidence, examples, and reasoning.   Their writing sample should use persuasive strategies including appeals to logic, emotion, and ethics.

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Deter, Detect, Defend

Financial and Economic Concepts: Identity Theft

Ninth Grade – Language Arts

Standard 2: Students will write informational and literary text to reflect on and recreate experiences, report observations, and persuade others.

Objective 2 (Extended Writing):  Write to persuade others.

Time: Video – 8:00, 45-60 minutes
Materials: Video (computer/projector with Internet access or student lab), DVD available on line if using a TV, writing supplies

Students should use the entire writing process to produce at least one extended piece per term, not necessarily limited to the type of writing emphasized at individual grade levels.

Identity Theft Video Identity Theft Video

While watching the video, have students identify four ways to deter identity theft, three ways to detect it, and ways to defend it.


After viewing the video, have students write a three paragraph letter to a friend in Iowa who knows nothing about identity theft. Have them include information from the video, including the emotional consequences of identity theft. Have them also include ways to deter, detect and defend it. The main point of the letter is to persuade the friend to protect his/her identity.

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If You Were President

Financial and Economic Concepts: Basic Budgeting

Ninth Grade – Language Arts

Standard 3 (Inquiry/Research/Oral Presentation): Students will understand the process of seeking and giving information in conversations, group discussions, written reports, and oral presentations.

Objective 2 (Written Communication of Inquiry): Write to analyze multiple points of view.

Time: 45 minutes
Materials: Computers with Internet access for each student.

Being the leader of a nation is a tough job.  While playing this online game, students find out about some of the financial decisions that they would have to make as the president, including budgeting for government programs. Students write responses to specific situational questions within the activity and while on the computer to justify their decisions.

If You Were President If You Were President